Rachel Rees, MBA in Art Collecting, 2011
Rachel recently joined Christie’s Museum Services department in New York, which offers a variety of customized services, including appraisals, buying and selling.
Rachel Rees currently works in Christie’s New York Museum Services Department as the Senior Administrative Assistant. In this role, Rachel supports the Museum Services team in coordinating and administrating deaccessioning projects for North American institutions. Rachel also helps with organizing appraisals on behalf of institutions, including insurance valuations, charitable donation and indemnification appraisals. She has also helped to secure important loans for exhibitions. Prior to Christie’s, Rachel completed B.A. in Art History and Print Journalism at the University of Southern California before embarking on her M.A. with the University of Warwick, in partnership with the Wallace Collection, London, and the Institut d’Etudes Superieures des Arts, Paris. Her master’s thesis focused on the National Gallery, London, and its collecting of Modern French Art in the context of the Edgar Degas Estate Sale in Paris, 1918. Rachel’s research examined the policies of the Board of Trustees and intricacies of their relationship with then NG Director, Charles Holmes. Her research interests continue to be collections-focused. Rachel also has experience working at/interning with Christie’s London, Christie’s Los Angeles, the Art Loss Register, the Getty Research Institute and the Los Angeles Times.