Betwixt & Between: Diasporic Visions of Liminal Spaces Unveiled in Berlin

Between Curatorial Projects, a collaborative of students from our MBA Contemporary Art: Sales, Display and Collecting presented their first exhibition Betwixt & Between: DiasporicVisions of Liminal Spaces, featuring the work of Ana Hupe, Miji Ih, Daniela Medina Poch and Gonzalo Reyes Araos.

The exhibition was held at LAGE EGAL [SPL 19], an independent space for curatorial projects in Berlin, Germany.

The exhibition opened on Wednesday, June 26th, and feature a lecture performance by Daniela Medina Poch. Visitors gathered at LAGE EGAL [SPL 19] and took a short walk to Grünanlage mit Brunnen, a small park near the fountain at Platz der Vereinten Nationen, for the performance. Following the performance, the exhibition walkthroughs continued with Miji Ih, Daniela Medina Poch, and Gonzalo Reyes Araos back at LAGE EGAL [SPL 19]. 

The following event on Saturday, June 29th was the artist talk at LAGE EGAL [SPL 19] featured Ana Hupe and Daniela Medina Poch, mediated by the two curators.

The participating artists come from different cultural backgrounds and live and work in the multicultural landscape of Berlin. The passage of moving from their home countries to this historically-charged city trickles into the themes of the works presented in this exhibition.

Comprising installation, collage, photography, photograms, and performance, the exhibition guides visitors through the liminal spaces in which artists in diaspora exist and traverse. The past is a link to their cultural home, the future a path to foreign experiences, and liminality is the present. “Betwixt and between” is a phrase used to describe that liminality: the sensation of finding oneself on the threshold between two places or even two identities. As the diasporic experience varies, so too does the materialization of the artists’ works—presented through written word or typed code, through light or water. Diverse in concept as in form, the artist’s interpretations of the liminal reads as memory or fantasy, as deserted or flourishing.

Liminality seeps through the fabrics of diasporic existence. Betwixt & Between captured the imprints left on the ephemeral yet solid ground on which artists in diaspora inhabit.

Discover more about the students' projects and about the programs that IESA offers